Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Myriad of Thoughts

It’s one of those nights that I can’t get to sleep… So I thought, “Hey I should blog”. So here are some of my thoughts today…

Fashion for Men in the 80s…. the Red Crotch Cover!

I was watching MTV and they were showing VH1’s Hits from the 80s. One of the video clips was of the group, Cameo. Song title: Word Up. The lead singer an Afro-American was decked in black leather pants and get ready for this…….. a RED CROTCH COVER! He sure knew how to guard his asset! Gah…. I nearly fainted! Now I know where Superman got his fashion sense from!! It was hilarious and I was laughing hysterically in my living room alone (cos Hubby’s at work). Anyway, if you are interested you can catch it on youtube at this link

Great Song from the Past

I was lying in bed listen to Class 95 and this great song that I loved so much was on air. And the sickening thing is I don’t know what the title is!! The lyric goes like this:

I never needed love
But I need you
I never needed nobody
But I live for you
Ooh, Babe
Lost in love
Is what I feel
When I'm with you

OOH… I managed to find the title of the song on Google! It’s “When I’m With You” by Sherrif! Yay… Now I know… Ok that’s one mystery in my life solved.

Best Friend Getting Married

My dearest friend of 14 years, Shenny is getting married on 31 Oct! Congrats, babe… I wish you all the happiness as you begin this journey with Eric. I love you and I thank you for all the times that you have been there for me. And I’ll never forget all the good (and bad) times that we shared. xoxo

Fun Times with Edina and Zainal

Edina is my junior in Cedar Girls’ Sec Sch. I met her this year, at, all places, the Singapore Idol selections. For those of you that didn’t know, my Hubby’s livelong ambition is to be a renowned singer!! So as Hubby and I were queuing up at Escape (Orchard Cineleisure), I saw a familiar figure. It was none other than Edina! The bubbly gal finally returned to Singapore from Europe after staying there for eons (she was studying there). I was so glad to see her. After all, she was one of the juniors that I had taken “under my wing” when I was in school. We even shared a white translucent pager, which was the rage back then (altho’ it got confiscated!)

Anyway, since then we have been hanging out with her and her lovely bf, Zainal. Karaoke, night spots, home cooked dinners (at my place), coffee shops, we had done them all… Here are some Polaroid pics we took when they were at our place, recently.

I just want to wish Edina and Zainal all the best in their relationship as they approach their first year anniversary. You two are great together……. xoxo Hey we have to break fast at the Indo restaurant at Far East soon, ok? Pecel Lele, here I come..... Yum...

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